Friday, 20 May 2011

TOP 10! songs of the week...

Today is oing to be really exiting and busy! First, I'm going to apend the day in a park to go roller-skating and I may stay by the lake for a picnic and feed ducks a little, then I'm going to do some shopping for some ASAP things, and then The Night in museums! I've already done my plan for this night and really lokking foward to starting)
So,here isthe TOP 10 List, as I promised it was expanded
Ellie Goulding – Your Song. At the moment it's my number 1, i've already listened to it for 50 time s!
Oh Land – Wolf & I. Just like it without a reason, it sounds bit like soundtrack for The Red Riding Hood, which I  dislike, bur the song is great!
Lady Gaga – Electric Chapel/ Myfavourite sonf from her new album
Lady Gaga – Bloody Mary.One more song from her new album)
Oh Land – Human
Ellie Goulding – Animal
Lady Gaga – Hair,ahaha seems like my list was expanded justbecause of Gaga's album out
Azure Ray – Wake Up, Sleepyhead
Fleet Foxes - Lorelei
Bahamas - Whole, Wide, World

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